‘This is a caring, nurturing school. Pupils and parents describe it as being part of a family. Pupils are happy.’
Ofsted 2022
We received a full Section 5, two day inspection, in July 2022. We are delighted that the inspectors found that we are ‘good’ in every area.
You can read a copy of the full report by clicking the link below:
The children’s love of their school, their love of learning and their care for each other stands out throughout the report. Considering the inspectors had such a short time to make their judgements shows our ‘this is how we do it here’ pledge is lived out in action!
We fully agree with the areas of improvement that the inspectors identified and these contribute towards the priorities of our school development plan.
Ofsted History
School Performance
End of Key Stage 2 Performance Data 2023-2024
This information is for a cohort of 16 children at the end Key Stage Two 2024:
– Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths – 56%
– Percentage of pupils who achieved the higher standard in reading, writing and maths – 6%
– Our pupils’ average scaled score in the reading test – 105
– Our pupils’ average scaled score in the maths test – 102
Please click here to view national school and college performance tables.