Parent Pay

ParentPay makes collecting money for school items quicker and more efficient. It enables you to pay for school meals other items such as educational visits online.

It offers a highly secure payment method that allows schools to provide financial information and access detailed breakdowns quickly and accurately.

How to get started?

We will send you an activation letter containing your activation details to enable you to set up your ParentPay account.

If you have more than one child at any school using ParentPay these can be added to a single account, providing one login for all your children.

Each child will be given a letter for parents and carers, providing instructions on how to set up an account when they start school. If you have lost yours or need any help, please contact the school office.

ParentPay – Leading Cashless Payment System for Schools

‘Ours are the eyes through which His compassion looks out on the world. Ours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Ours are the hands with which he blesses the world.’

— St Teresa of Avila