Extra Curricular Activities

Over the year we offer the children a wide range of out of school activities.

Often these are PE / Sports based to encourage the children to engage in additional opportunities to be active. These clubs have included:

  • Table tennis
  • TAG Rugby
  • Boxing
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Multi-sports
  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Athletics

We also organise activities linked to events in school as well as in preparation for external events such as school productions, Darlington Community Carnival, Darlington Mayors’ Song Contest, Dance Festivals and other sporting events and competitions. We also arrange clubs based on the children’s interests and requests. These have included:

  • Choir
  • Drama
  • Novel writing
  • Cross-Stitch
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Mindfulness

The school council aim to gather pupil voice over the academic year to find out what other clubs would be popular among our current cohort of children and we will continue to adapt to the wishes of the children to encourage a broader range of opportunities.

Exploring, Growing, Leading – Together We Flourish.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

"I can, if I try..."