Our Team 2024-25


Mrs Kaye Boyce

Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo

Mr Christopher Toner

School Secretary

Mrs Sara Robinson


Explorers (YR/Y1) – Miss Futter

Adventurers (Y2/Y3) – Miss White (Mrs Hall on Thursday)

Voyagers (Y4/Y5) – Mrs Iannotti

Pioneers (Y6) – Mr Toner (Mrs Hall on Friday)

Teaching and Learning Support Staff

Miss Cartwright, Miss Forster, Miss Joyce, Miss Nicholas, Miss Park

Out of School Club Staff

Mrs Merritt and our teaching and learning support staff

Lunchtime and Kitchen Support Staff 

Mrs Jenkins (School Cook), Mrs Walker, Miss Walker

Premises Staff

Mr Tang – Buildings and Maintenance

Exploring, Growing, Leading – Together We Flourish.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

"I can, if I try..."