PE and Sport
This page is regularly updated to keep you informed about the PE and Sport activities and events that the children participate in throughout the year.
Sports Day 2023
The weather was on our side as the children had a wonderful afternoon taking part in this year’s Sports Day.
We held a range of sporting activities on the yard alongside traditional races on the field with all children participating and representing their House Team.
The closing ceremony was such a treat as the children performed a dance to our school song which had been choreographed and taught by our sports leaders during school sports week last week.
The final scores were totalled and the winning house team took victory of the sports day trophy!
Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children. It was great to see such a great turn out.

Tees Valley Athletics Championships – June 2023
What a fantastic day 3 of our pupils had today, not only representing our school but also representing Darlington at the Tees Valley Athletics at Middlesbrough Sports Centre. They competed against pupils from a range of schools from other North East counties.
They came up against some strong competition today but their determination and passion was something to be proud of.
We are so proud to have had our school represented by such talent. The pictures capture the joy and pride that the children had in showcasing their skills and ability on such a prestige platform.
A huge well done!

Small Schools Athletics – June 2023
Last week we attended a small school athletics competition at Eastborne sports complex. This very popular event brought pupils from around Darlington to compete at a very high standard in their events. The determination, passion and sportsmanship from our children was outstanding. As well as congratulating and supporting one another, they also encouraged and praised other pupils from a variety of schools.
The children did a magnificent job in representing our small (yet mighty) school, coming away with lots of medals including:
4 x Gold
5 x Silver
3 x Bronze


– June 2023
We are now able to share some footage of the children taking part in our sponsored colour run, which took place on Monday. (VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THE VIDEO)
We loved seeing the pure joy on the children’s faces as they ran the course with their friends. Each class took it in turns to run, ending with the whole school joining together for the final laps.
We hope you can see from the footage the care and support given to one another and we think this really sums up our small school, big family!
Watch to the end to see the revealed total sponsorship that has been raised for our school – simply amazing!
A big thank you to Go Well for organising the event, to our volunteers who helped the event run so smoothly, the staff and children for being such good sports and to all of our families for your support and generosity!
Target Festival – May 2023
Year 1 and 2 had a fantastic opportunity to attend a target festival at Eastbourne Sports Complex this week. The children got the chance to move to 6 different stations to practice and learn new skills. They all did a fantastic job and showed determination to score highly in all games. A big thank you to Darlington School Sports Partnership who provided each child with a logo lunch bag.

Schhol Games GOLD Award!
For our engagement and commitment to School Sport & Physical Activity – we are pleased to announce that we have recieved the GOLD Award this year!

Frisbee Fun! May 2023
At school today every year group got the opportunity to work with Paul from Go Well and our school sports leaders, using frisbees to practice their throwing and target skills.
Our sports leaders did a fantastic job as always to help the day run smoothly. A MASSIVE thank you to Paul! More sporting events coming up from Go-Well in the future!!!

Girls Football Development Games – April 2023
WOW, what a fantastic day for girls’ football. We took our Class 3 girls to Eastbourne sports complex to participate in mini development games with schools in our area. We started off very shaky but within a couple minutes of the first game the girls started to really show passion and determination. All girls put their fears to one side and we worked on having great fun and enjoying the games. A huge thank you to the girls, for like always, representing our small yet mighty school excellently. To top itr all off, the girls sang on the bus all the way back to school ‘reach for the stars’! A special shout out to Miss Nicholas and Mr Stonhouse (our dedicated volunteer) for their engouragment and care of the girls at the event today. As Mr Stonehouse elouqently put it, “Yes, the world does have a future if we can only replicate the quality I witnessed first hand today!”…

Netball Development Day – April 2023
Our Year 5 pupils had the opportunity to attend a Netball development day at Longfield Secondary School.
During the day the team learned a lot about staying in the correct area of the court, sticking to the opposition and finding space to receive the ball.
The pupils like always are a pleasure to take out and represent our school to a high standard to the point that other schools commented how polite and well behaved they were.

Darlington School Games Primary Dance Festival – March 2023
On Tuesday 28th March, a group of children from Y3 and Y4 represented our school in the Darlington School Games Primary Dance Festival.
The children performed on stage at the Darlington Hippodrome in front of a huge audience alongside other Darlington Schools.
The theme this year was ‘Exploration & Discovery’ and our dance was about exploring a world that is free from conflict. Two very different dance styles and song choices put together created an explosion of what freedom can and should look like.
The cheers from the audience were a clear sign how well the children performed on the night. It was wonderful to see their confidence, hard work and big smiles showcased on the stage and to see how much fun was had by all.
A huge well done to all involved! We are so proud of you!

Boys Football Cup – March 2023
Our boys represented school at the Year 5/Year 6 boys football cup alongside 16 schools from across Darlington. They played around 11 games against other local schools.
The boys played with determination and passion. Great teamwork, communication and sportsmanship was shown.
Well done boys!

FAs Biggest EVER Football Session – 8th March 2023

Today as a school our girls joined in with this national event and tried various football skills and demonstrated determination and teamwork.
Our sport leaders lead fantastic tasks with girls throughout the school.

Judo Dan – February 2023
We have had an action packed start to the second half of Spring Term with a visit from the very energetic Judo Dan. The whole school had the opportunity to take to the mat and learn some basic Judo skills in the taster sessions this morning. Children will be bringing home a leaflet with further information about how they can attend sessions out of school if they enjoyed it.

Shout out to our Sports Leaders
A big shout out to our Sport Leaders who have been doing an amazing job keeping children active over playtimes and lunchtimes. They have developed a program of various sports and skills based activities which they have lead with the whole school keeping everyone active and entertained too! Keep up the great work!
Girls Football – January 2023
Class 4 girls got the opportunity to go to Eastbourne Sports complex today to play football against other local schools.
They played against 6 other schools with the emphasis on fun and giving the girls the opportunity to play against opposing teams. A big shout out to all of the girls for their fantastic determination and passion – even when tired. Some awesome goals scored and tremendous defense and goal keeping!

Santa Dash 2022
On Thursday 8th December all of the pupils and many staff took part in the annual Santa dash. Children actively joined in several activities including Christmas cracker relays, bauble and spoon races and Christmas treasure gathering games. All the children joined in a fun run to try and catch Santa but who were the lucky few?
Our incredible sport leaders led each class through 2 sessions, one indoors and one outdoors in our school grounds. Although it was crisp and cold outside, each and every one of them had the cosiness of their Christmas jumper to keep them warm!
The teamwork demonstrated by all of the children as well as the great leadership of our sports leaders resulted in a fantastic event.

Indoor Athletics – Year 5 and Year 6 – November 2022
On Tuesday 15th November all of Class four (Years 5 and 6) went to the Dolphin Centre to take part in some track and field events. This included many relays of which the boys performed highly in the over and under relay, showing excellent agility in this area.
Field events included, vertical jumps, throwing the soft javelin, the triple jump, speed bounce and a chest push with the 1kg medicine ball.
Determination and passion were shown throughout the afternoon and teamwork was excelled in the track events.

Tees Valley County Cross Country – October 2022
On Wednesday 12th October three of our children got the opportunity to represent their town – Darlington – in a county cross country event. This took pace at Stewarts Park in Middlesbrough.
With determination in mind, each child ran their event with passion and commitment demonstrating many of the school games values.

We are incredibly proud of them all.
Darlington Cross Country Event 2022
Once again, we happily took many of our athletes to Eastbourne Sports Complex to take part in the annual cross country event. Once here the children were warmed up by one of our official helpers. He did an excellent job at making sure their muscles were stretched.
Another official helper ensure that every team was at the starting line in good time and ready to compete and be their very best.

Without the support of our official helpers we would not be able to take part in so many sporting events each academic year and are very thankful for the time and energy they give to our school. Thank you so much.
All 27 children that we took finished the course and achieved many excellent positions. We were extremely proud of each and every one of them. Distances ran ranged from 1700 meters in year 3/4 to 2300 meters for our year 6 girls team.
The determination and passion they showed to this event was immense..

For the first time ever, three of our children even made it to take part in the county event, which will be held in Middlesbrough early next month. To achieve this status they needed to be placed in the top ten of the Darlington girls or boys team for their year category. We cannot wait to hear how they get on and of course wish them every success to be their very best.

Good Luck Roux, Imogen and Howard!