
Our Homework Policy

It is very difficult to get the right balance in terms of the amount and content of homework – some families will want more, some families less and some, none at all. However, we believe that:

  • Homework provides opportunity for children to continue learning – reinforcing, consolidating, applying and extending learning
  • Homework gives time to practice and learn key facts (eg number bonds, times tables, spellings)
  • Homework builds a bridge between home and school
  • Homework develops independent learning and organisational skills
  • Homework can help prepare children for assessments (particularly in the end of Key Stage 2 SATs in Year 6)

Homework supports our ‘This is how we do it here’ pledge, as another way we build positive relationships through:

  • Conversations
  • Collaborations
  • Celebrations
  • Care

Homework develops from Reception to Year 6 to support the above aims, using a variety of methods ultimately moving to fully digital by Year Six. Please click here to read the full policy which clearly sets out the expectations for each year group.

Roles and Responsibilities
In order for homework to be a useful and effective activity, pupils, teachers and parents must all be aware of and agree to their roles and responsibilities. If a child is not in school and their absence is unauthorised, homework will not be set (for example an unauthorised term-time holiday).


  • To read (or be read to) in line with the expectations set out on the back of your child’s home reading record (expectations for home reading by year group can also be found at the bottom of this page)
  • Children should endeavour to complete all set work as far as resources and support allow them to.
  • Children should engage with online forums and discussions in a positive and appropriate manner and using written English of the same standard as expected in school
  • Children should take pride in their work and submit work to Seesaw and ensure submissions are uploaded within the timescale set by the class teacher (adults may need to support younger children with this).
  • To complete the homework set as independently as possible.


  • To adhere to the Homework Policy
  • To set homework tasks which are a relevant and coherent part of the work in hand
  • To ensure pupils are clear about what they are required to do and by when
  • To ensure that the work set is reasonable in terms of the time allocation
  • To ensure that, where possible, the needs of individual pupils are taken into account, either by setting differentiated tasks, providing additional scaffolding (or challenge), or by setting tasks which allow for differentiated outcomes
  • To allow sufficient time in class for homework to be explained
  • To provide an exercise book for homework if requested by parents/carers


  • To provide a suitable working environment at home and a regular routine
  • To encourage and promote independent work habits
  • To provide assistance during a task, if necessary, by reading aloud and questioning, but not teaching/doing the work for your child
  • To help children were necessary to upload completed homework to the SeeSaw platform
  • To communicate with the school if problems arise
  • To inform the school office of any exceptional circumstances which may impact on homework
  • To establish an understanding that homework is an important and serious aspect of school life and the pupil’s responsibilities

Monitoring of homework
Homework will form part of the body of work scrutinised by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in their ongoing subject monitoring and evaluation. Access logs and uploaded content to Seesaw and Time Table Rockstars will also provide an insight to the effectiveness of this policy.

The Governing Body will also monitor the delivery and effectiveness of the policy.

We hope that this policy will help to make the experience of homework a positive one for all concerned. If, however, for any reason homework is becoming problematic, parents should avoid confrontation with their child and seek advice from their child’s teacher or the relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Expectations for Home Reading by Year Group

Exploring, Growing, Leading – Together We Flourish.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

"I can, if I try..."