PE and Sport Premium

PE and sport premium for primary schools

The government believes that the PE and Sport Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to improve the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of pupils, giving them the opportunity to have access to a wide variety of physical opportunities and to develop a healthy lifestyle.

Each school is responsible for making their own decisions on what best suits the needs of the school and its pupils.

Our aim has been to ensure that the funding has been deployed to achieve long term, self sustaining improvement. To that end, we have invested in the professional development of staff as well as providing qualified specialist coaches to work alongside teachers and to offer additional extra-curricular opportunities. We have given more children more opportunities to take part in competitive events (in both intra- and inter-school competition).

High Coniscliffe CE Primary School has been awarded the School Games Mark Silver Award. This prestigious award, recognised by Ofsted, reflects the importance we place on PE and Sport at school, as well as the hard work and efforts of the staff and of course the pupils. We plan to continue to enhance the curriculum by providing many more exciting PE and Sport activities in the next academic year.

The award recognises schools’:

  • Overall vision for PE, physical activity and school sport
  • Quality of PE
  • Quality of school sport
  • Quality of physical activity
  • Use of PE, physical activity and sport as a catalyst for wider learning.

Initiatives that school has undertaken

  • School Sports Silver Package
  • Partnership with Sedgefield Sports Partnership
  • Level 3 PE course for a Teaching Assistant
  • Resources for Young Sports Leaders
  • Sporting Clubs
  • Recognition of Sporting Behaviours

The PE Subject Lead prepares a PE and Sport Premium Funding Action Plan each year. This sets out the way in which the school intends to invest the premium for the benefit of all pupils. The Plan identifies improvement expected against five key indicators:

  • Engaging all pupils in regular, physical activity
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
  • Increasing the confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in the teaching of PE
  • Providing a broad experience of a range of sports and activities for all pupils
  • Increasing participation in competitive sport

The impact of the PE and Sport Funding is that:

  • Each child receives at least 2 hours PE and sport each week
  • Children are very active in lessons; they enjoy challenges and recognise when they are developing new skills
  • Sports Leaders implement a rota of activities across all year groups
  • Teachers deliver high quality lessons
  • TA extends role in delivering PE and supporting teachers
  • More children participate in competitive sport
  • The range of sports offered is increased
  • Displays, newsletters, social media and presentations promote and celebrate competition
  • Additional resources are purchased to support the teaching and learning of PE
  • There is a wider range of after school clubs offered to children

Sports Premium Funding Plan

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"I can, if I try..."